Finding a therapist
If you feel ready to start, it’s important to find someone that you can work with effectively. You may want to consider things like:
- what type of therapy would best suit you
- do you want in-person or online sessions
- would you prefer a therapist of a particular gender
- do you need a therapist who has a particular specialism
Registered therapists usually charge between £40-£80 per session and can be found using websites such as Counselling Directory or BACP. You can also access talking therapies on the NHS or through some charities. For further information please read this information from Mind’s website or check out the free telephone and online resources listed in the More Help section of this website.
Ask for help
Contact me via email or telephone and I will get in touch with you to arrange a brief assessment session (up to 20 minutes) to discuss your needs and suggest support resources that are available.
This should give us a good idea of what kind of therapy will work best for you and where you can find it, getting you going in the right direction. If we conclude that counselling sessions might be right for you then you can arrange a full 50 minute session with me or use the links above to find someone who is better suited to your needs.

How many sessions do I need?
Typically, I recommend 12 sessions with a review in session 6, but it really depends on your unique circumstances. In a review session we reflect on the effectiveness of our work to make sure it’s appropriate for your needs. We will also reassess and perhaps revise your therapeutic goals.
As we move through the planned number of sessions, therapeutic goals tend change. Some people get what they need within 6 sessions, others will find value working with greater relational depth over a more long-term basis.
Just the act of starting counselling can bring a sense of empowerment (knowing that a previously avoided problem can truly be faced head on) resulting in feeling much lighter after only one or two sessions.

There is no minimum or maximum number of sessions and you are not contractually committed to any specific number of sessions. For long- term work we would typically renew the contract every 12 weeks. All I ask is for 24 hours’ notice if you want to cancel a session or end counselling with me. When ending, it is customary to plan a final session. This is for summation, reflections, any necessary referral and to ensure as smooth and controlled an ending as possible.